FAQ: What Camera Do I use and what settings?

Hey beauties!
Everyday it seems like someone asks me about my photos and how are they so clear, what settings I use, what kind of camera do I have...etc. I figured it's about time I do a quick post to answer your questions since I'm sure there are others out there who are curious as to the answers to these questions as well.

First of all, I use a Canon PowerShot A2000IS. It's a bit bulky and not as sleek as my previous camera, but it has 10.0 Megapixels and 6x zoom (which is why all my close up shots are so clear!).

Most importantly you need good lighting and to fiddle around with the settings on your camera. For my photos I usually go by my bay window in my house which is large and lets in a lot of natural light. In natural light it really showcases what the makeup would look like in real life. Flash tends to distort the colour and brings out different shades...etc. Sometimes I'm forced to use flash though because I sometimes take photos at night or there isn't enough natural light coming from outside.

For camera settings, I keep it simple and just leave it on the "AUTO" setting and let the camera do it's job. I then turn it on "MACRO" (the little flower icon) so that it captures really fine details, and then lastly I turn off the flash if I'm in natural lighting.

Just a personal preference, I don't like makeup photos that are photoshopped. There is a time and place for photoshopped photos (i.e., on a webpage banner, beauty shoots..etc.), however I believe that FOTDs and EOTDs should just be taken with good lighting conditions and not be altered. I find photoshopped photos you can't really see the makeup and it looks all distorted. If I happen to photoshop a photo, I will let you all know it is photoshopped! The only one I have altered on my blog is my photo above my profile info. Of course I'm not black and white with vibrant eyes, lips and nails...but I'm sure you realized this already LOL. I also sometimes use my mom's camera which has a "PORTRAIT ENHANCING" setting and I believe the only FOTD I used that for was my Pink FOTD.

That is all for now. Hope you are having a wonderful day! I'll be posting a FOTD later today

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