Revlon Photo Ready in Medium Beige: You know already that I love this stuff. My face just glows with this. It gives the perfect finish and great coverage.
MAC Fix+: This sets my foundation/powder and melts everything together making my face look flawless. I also use this with my Mineralize Eyeshadows to foil them. Love Fix+. Not sure if it has been in my favourites before, but it should be EVERY month!
MAC Cream Colour Base in Pearl: I just picked this up this month and I've been using it everyday. Gives me a perfect light golden sheen. This looks great with my slightly tan skin at the moment.
MAC Mineralize Eyeshadow in Gilt By Association: I use this wet or dry. As a liner or in my outer crease. I really really am glad I picked this up with the Style Black collection!
MAC Soft Brown Eyeshadow: The times I've worn eyeshadow this month it has always been with soft brown blended in my crease. It's great for blending out colours.
Blistex Lip Medix: It is so dry at my work. This has saved my life. I have Blistex in my lunch bag, makeup case, by my bed, at the computer desk, purse...etc. If you have dry lips, this fixes it like nothing else. Blistex I find to be the best brand for lip chap out there.