January Favourites!

I actually haven't been using too many new products this month. To be honest, I haven't been using that much makeup either. I've been too tired to bother with applying eyeshadow so my look has consisted of lip balm, eyeliner, mascara and foundation for basically the entire month. FOTD's are my favourite posts so I'll try and get one up soon. Hope you are all having a good week! This week is dragging for me. I know it's only Tuesday, but I'm dying for the weekend to be here already. What were some of your favourite products for January?
LUSH Fresh Face Mask "A Crash Course In Skincare": Brightens and softens my skin. I love the smell and I would definitely repurchase this fresh face mask again. It was my first one and I was very impressed. I'm looking forward to trying more.

Revlon Photo Ready in Medium Beige: You know already that I love this stuff. My face just glows with this. It gives the perfect finish and great coverage.

MAC Fix+: This sets my foundation/powder and melts everything together making my face look flawless. I also use this with my Mineralize Eyeshadows to foil them. Love Fix+. Not sure if it has been in my favourites before, but it should be EVERY month!

MAC Cream Colour Base in Pearl: I just picked this up this month and I've been using it everyday. Gives me a perfect light golden sheen. This looks great with my slightly tan skin at the moment.

MAC Mineralize Eyeshadow in Gilt By Association: I use this wet or dry. As a liner or in my outer crease. I really really am glad I picked this up with the Style Black collection!

MAC Soft Brown Eyeshadow: The times I've worn eyeshadow this month it has always been with soft brown blended in my crease. It's great for blending out colours.

Blistex Lip Medix: It is so dry at my work. This has saved my life. I have Blistex in my lunch bag, makeup case, by my bed, at the computer desk, purse...etc. If you have dry lips, this fixes it like nothing else. Blistex I find to be the best brand for lip chap out there.

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