Dry Shampoo: Rockaholic Dirty Secret vs. TRESemme Fresh Start

Hey Guys!

This was my first time trying out a Dry Shampoo. I don't like to wash my hair everyday, but some days I just want a little pick me up at the roots so they arn't so limp, lifeless and starting to get oily. I first picked up Rockaholic Dirty Secret Dry Shampoo several weeks ago and have used it a few times since. I really like the idea behind Dry Shampoo! I colour my hair and being able to skip out on a day of washing it by just using this is great for prolonging the colour. After I picked up the Rockaholic Dry Shampoo I saw that TRESemme was coming out with their own line of Dry Shampoo. The TRESemme Fresh Start Dry Shampoo is considerably less in price per bottle. At $3.99-$4.99 a can versus Rockaholic's $23.75 per can, I wanted to see if there was a big difference in quality and performance. Here are my results:

For before and after purposes, here is my hair nice and greasy lol

I aged like 40 years in 2 seconds... Don't be afraid of the greyish/white cast (this means you did the right thing). This goes away once you brush it out. I used Rockaholic on the left side of my head in this pic.

What Tresemme looks like when sprayed in my hair. Looks like I have grey highlights! Sexy.

"Clean" hair! It still felt kinda waxy, it definitely didn't feel clean, but it didn't look greasy!

If you are using this, don't plan on taking pictures with a flash that particular day. You can see the greyish/white cast with flash photography.

Greasy in the back, "clean" hair in the front!

PRODUCT: Overall I really liked both products and couldn't tell a difference in performance and quality of product. If you are looking for a Dry Shampoo I suggest just picking up the TRESemme one since it works just as well and is considerably less in price. As mentioned above, there are a couple things I don't like about Dry Shampoo. Obviously, it's not going to be as "clean" as normally washing your hair. It felt a bit waxy, but didn't look greasy. Also, I wouldn't recommended taking a lot of flash photography pictures when this is in your hair because you can see residue of the product. My hair also seemed a bit duller after use. This probably wouldn't be such a problem if you had lighter hair, but my hair is basically black so I could definitely see a difference in the vibrancy of my colour. Even with all this said it's a great way to refresh your hair and these products give AMAZING volume! I honestly would use this over backcombing my hair because it really gives my roots THAT MUCH volume!

PACKAGING: I hear horror stories about the Rockaholic bottle only lasting a few uses and then the product just miraculously disappears from the can. My can still feels pretty full and I've used it at least 3 times so far. I have no complaints so far with either of the packaging.

PRICE: Obviously the price difference is substantial between the two products. Tresemme retails for $3.99-$4.99. The Rockaholic I bought at Trade Secrets and it was $23.75 (plus 20% off). You get a bit more product in the Rockaholic bottle, but only a mere 18 grams more so it isn't a big deal.

All-in-all I tested both products out and I really can't tell the difference between TRESemme and Rockaholic. With that said, definitely give the TRESemme Dry Shampoo a try if you are interested in testing out a dry shampoo because it is really affordable and good quality.

P.S. - 1000+ SUBBIES! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I never thought that this would happen. When I started blogging I didn't expect much. Thank you all for your support from the bottom of my heart <3

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