MAC To The Beach Haul

Hey Guys!
I didn't end up picking up as much as I thought I would from the To The Beach Collection. Ever since I saw promo pics I've been changing my list constantly of what I wanted to get. These are the items I ended up buying. I have my eye on 2-3 more products, but I'm still unsure whether I will be taking the plunge and purchasing them or not. I bought all of my items online, and my bestie went to our local counter today to check out the Marine Life Highlight Powder and they were all sold out! I never actually wanted this, but now I do because it's sold out... haha. I'm gonna keep telling myself that it would have made me look like I had a sunburn so I don't covet it any longer than I already have.

Refined Golden Bronzer

Beach Bronze Creme Bronzer

Hipness Blush

Splashing Lipglass

Splashing Lipglass on clean, unlined lips

Left to Right: Refined Golden Bronzer, Beach Bronze Creme Bronzer

Hipness Blush

What did you get from the To The Beach Collection?

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