...because I had to share this purse

Hey Guys!
I know, I know I keep saying sorry for being behind in posts, but really I am. I miss the whole blogging world, but I just haven't had time. This weekend I'm having a family BBQ at my parents house to celebrate all the summer birthdays. My parents have a gorgeous back yard with an in-ground pool which is perfect for hosting gatherings. Plus, my mom always fattens everyone up with delicious food and my dad provides the drinks... lol. Laying out by the pool is where I've been spending most of my free time on weekends.

Even Bella loves to swim! She's in the pool more than anyone... you can't get her out!

My parents dog, Molly, is sitting on the sidelines watching the young pup jump in. Molly loves to jump in too, but she's getting too old that she tends to overdue it during the day and then cries at night because she is so sore and can't get up :( So no more jumping in for her...

Anyways, here is a purse I bought at Aldo a couple weekends back. I think it's adorable. It cost around $45 and it came in black/gold and pink/gold. I liked this version the best :)

Have an awesome weekend! I'm off to the drive-in with Charles to see Toy Story 3 and Prince of Persia. Talk to you guys in a bit! Let me know what your plans are :)

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