I'm soooo excited because yesterday was the release date for MAC's Venomous Villains collection and I received my online haul in the mail! I've loved Disney well before I've ever loved MAC so as soon as I heard that they were partnering up for a collection, I new it was going to do some serious damage to my bank account. There are still a couple items I'm considering purchasing at my local counter this weekend, but I wanted to check them out in person first before I spent any more money. Here are the goods (with my initial impressions of each product):

PACKAGING: The outer boxes are superior in design quality and thought as opposed to the actual images on each products container. I'm not saying I don't like the cartoon images on the products, but I believe they could have done a better job than slapping some stickers on shiny black plastic. In particular, I noticed the image on the Dr. Facilier Magically Cool Liquid Powder looks cheap, like when your printer is running out of ink and you can see the lines and pixels in the image. Also, don't you wish they had Ursula, from the Little Mermaid, instead of Dr. Facilier? They should have sticked with the theme of old school disney movies and I probably would have bought the collection in its entirety! lol Ursula loved her lipstick, Ursula lived under the sea (could tie that into the Magically Cool Liquid Powder)... my ideas go on and on.
his skin especially looks pixelated.
Dr. Facilier Magically Cool Liquid Powder in "Truth and Light": I was debating about putting this in my shopping cart, but decided to get it after I already placed my first order with everything I thought I HAD to have. I would have been completely disappointed if I were to have missed out on this. This is actually my favourite thing I got in the collection. Packaging wise, I already said the image looks tacky and is my least favourite, but product wise, this is THE "coolest" thing about the collection (no pun intended). It definitely does feel "cool" when you apply it to your skin, which is the oddest sensation. I used this to highlight my cheek bones using a MAC 131 and it felt amazing. I can't believe that this stuff is made up of 70% water, yet is a powder. I'm obsessed with this stuff. I'm a huge highlighter girl and this gives the most beautiful, subtle highlight to the plains of my face. If you thought this was just gimicky and just another highlighter, think again. I almost looked passed this due to the price, but now I'm thinking of picking up the other shade just because I love this one so much. Did you every have that gooey, plasticine/play-do stuff called "GAK" when you were younger? Well this kinda brought me back to my childhood because it smelt like that a bit...haha. Also when I first swatched it on my had with my finger, it kind of balled up. I just had to rub it in a bit more to blend it in.

How it balled up before rubbing it fully in with my finger
Very subtle sheen/inner glow it gives your skin!Beauty Powders: I had to buy all the beauty powders, because I loved the disney images on the packaging. My favourite character is Maleficent because Sleeping Beauty is my favourite Disney movie, however, on the packaging I love how the Evil Queen looks! I didn't think I would care for the Cruella Beauty Powder, but I bought it anyways just to have the set and I actual love how subtle the colour is on my skin and it may actually be my favourite one?! Crazy I know. Cruella "Her Own Devices" is the most sheer of the three and has to really be built up to get a pigmented colour. Maleficent "Briar Rose" is the most pigmented and only takes one sweep to get a rich colour payoff. Evil Queen "Oh So Fair" is by far the smoothest beauty powder.
Cruella "Her Own Devices" Beauty Powder, Evil Queen "Oh So Fair" Beauty Powder, Maleficent "Briar Rose" Beauty Powder.

From left to right: Evil Queen "Strange Potion", Maleficent "Revenge is Sweet", Cruella "Devilishly Stylish", Cruella "Innocence, Beware!"
Strange Potion
Revenge is Sweet
Devilishly Stylish

Innocence, Beware! Innocence, Beware! Lipstick: If you missed out on this lipstick, don't worry. On my lips it practically dupes MAC's Hue lipstick, except maybe a tad pinker? I haven't swatched them side by side yet, but I held up each tube against each other and I could barely tell a difference. Hue is my favourite pink shade and I was running low, so I'm glad I have this to use in replace of it for the time being.