
Kim Kardashian this year in Munich, Germany celebrating Oktoberfest.
She is wearing a traditional German dress called a Dirndl.

Hey Guys!
This Friday Oktoberfest started and it lasts until Saturday, October 16th. Every year, since I've been legal, I've gone out to celebrate at the events (before I could only go to the parade)! My home town has a HUGE celebration, the second largest in the world next to Munich, and I'm from a german background, so it is one of my favourite times of the year! Whichever venue you decide to attend you will be sure to have an amazing time! Everyone, young and old, comes out to dance, drink, eat and have a good time. This year I headed out with a small group of girls and had a blast dancing to traditional Oktoberfest music as well as retro 80's songs (my favourite).

My friend Rachel and I on opening night.

Do you have an Oktoberfest in your town?

Have you ever been to Munich to celebrate?
(the biggest celebration in the world)

Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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