Hey Guys!
This weekend flew by. I worked Friday night until 1:15 am and then Saturday I cleaned the house all day and then went out to dinner and a movie with Charles. We went to see "No Strings Attached" starring Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman and I must say that I haven't seen such a good comedy in a long time. I definitely recommend going to see it! I will be purchasing the movie when it comes out on BluRay.
Anyways, I saw this lipstick on Michelle's, Lipstick Rules, Blog and it instantly peaked my interest. I've always want a good orange lipstick and this is definitely ORANGE. In pictures it shows a tad red, but in real life it is as orange as orange gets (on my lips). I wore this with and without self tanner and it looks flattering when I'm NC25-NC35.

I will definitely be rocking Orange lips come the warmer months now that I know I can pull it off.
Have you tried Orange lipstick?