I've had several requests to show how my hair has changed over the years. Frankly, my hair history is a bit boring because I never had my hair professionally done until I was in grade 12 (i.e., coloured, cut...etc). I had trims here and there at really cheap places like First Choice, but usually my mom would cut my hair for me. I was always a Tomboy and I played a lot of sports. I didn't start getting into hair or makeup until my first year of University when I started going out to parties all the time with friends. I did wear a bit of makeup in highschool, but mainly it consisted of mascara and a little bit of eyeliner. I never styled my hair...I was the complete opposite of how I am today!
Because my hair was pretty boring up until Grade 12, I will only show a few pictures from my early years. Hope you enjoy!
I believe I am 1 year old here. Look at my chubby arms. LOL It took forever for me to grow hair as a child and it was super fine. Now my hair grows like a weed and is pretty thick.
This is a picture taken of me when I was in Preschool. Can you believe I had blonde hair as a child?! I had this haircut FOREVER and then it started to grow fast and dark.
Kindergarten. I had my hair all nice and crimpy for photos and then it was raining and I had to put it up in a ponytail. I'm pretty sure I did it myself as it doesn't look combed and it's off to the side...I'm a product of the 80s FOR SURE!
Grade 1. I guess I was a sailor? LOL I remember hating my outfit and my teachers loving it. I was starting to grow out my bangs and basically kept my hair chin length up until grade 7 when I started growing it...

First time I highlighted my hair/got an actual "style" to my hair. I use to wear it long and cut straight across the bottom (my mom would do this for me). In grade 12 I went to a stylist for the first time and started doing my hair...etc. I still hadn't discovered makeup quite yet... LOL