MAC Naturally Collection Blonde and Redhead Mineralized Skinfinish Swatches

Hey Guys!
I haven't been excited about a new MAC collection in a long time. Actually, I haven't really bought anything from MAC in a considerably long time. I find that the holiday collections MAC comes out with always underwhelm me and I never end up picking anything up. Once I saw promo info for the Naturally Collection, I new that this would be right up my ally. I love my neutrals! Anyways, despite loving the collection, I only picked up a few items: Blonde MSF, Redhead MSF, and A Perfect Day l/s. I really wanted to get some of the bright lipsticks from the Iris Apfel Collection, but by the time I decided I actually wanted some, they were sold out online. As you know, Mineralized Skinfinishes are one of my favourite, if not my favourite, product that MAC produces so I knew right away that I wanted to pick up Blonde and Redhead when they were re-released with MAC Naturally because I missed out on them when they were first released with the Blonde, Brunette, Redhead Collection. Now if only they re-released Brunette as well, I would be set! Now these MSFs are currently sold out on the Canadian website, but you may still be able to hunt them down in stores. For those of you interested in purchasing these, here are some swatches.

I really love the consistency of both MSFs. They are extremely smooth and create a beautiful dewy glow on the skin. Normally I'm more drawn to shades like Redhead, but I actually like Blonde a touch more. Mineralized Skinfinishes are known to accentuate pores, but I find these two don't do that because they are more of a sheen, with very litter shimmer. Redhead has slightly larger particles of shimmer compared to Blonde so that may present a problem for some. As far as wear is concerned, these held up quite well throughout the day. I didn't have any problems with these fading. I definitely recommend both MSFs if you are in the market for blush and like a glow to your skin. Most of the MSFs I own I typically wear as bronzers or highlights, so it is nice to add to shades which I can actually use as blushes to my routine.  

Did you pick up anything from the new MAC collections?

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