FOTD: MAC Phloof! and Scene

hey guys!
for some reason my phone wont let me capitalize letters...which is really annoying. anyways, i still have a bunch of fotds i have yet to post, this one being from a little over a month ago when i was on christmas holidays! i was inspired by a look done by taylor swift. i find she has the most beautiful shaped eyes. i kept the first 2/3 of my eye bright and really smoked out and darkened the outer v to accentuate my eye shape. hope you enjoy the look! unfortunately i dont remember what i have on my face, but here is everything else:

Make Up For Ever Waterproof Brow Corrector #3

Too Faced Shadow Insurance
MAC Painterly p/s
MAC Phloof! e/s
MAC Scene e/s
MAC Typographic e/s
L'Oreal Lineur Intense
Annabelle Smudge Liner "Black"
L'Oreal Faux Cils mascara

YSL Rouge Volupte #30 Faubourg Peach

have a great day! i plan on purchasing a digital camcorder tonight for making youtube videos! im so excited. now all i need is good lighting so i can film at night and not be limited to when im on night shift or sundays (my only day off €*sigh*)

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