MAC Extra Dimension Skinfinish/Highligher in "Superb"

Hey Guys!
I ended up picking up two of the Extra Dimension Skinfinishes/Highlighters from the new MAC collection In Extra Dimension: Superb and Whisper of Gilt. Initially I only purchased "Superb", but ended up loving the formula, pigmentation, and wear SO much, I had to check out the other shade I was interested in trying, "Whisper of Gilt". This review will focus solely on "Superb". 

"Introducing a new liquid-powder formula with prismatic reflections that sculpts, highlights and models the face." - MAC Cosmetics

Superb is described as a soft peachy nude with multi dimensional shimmer. The type of sheen that this product reflects is similar to that of the Magically Cool Liquid Powders, also by MAC, in particular Superb reminded me of my beloved Honey Rose, but much more pigmented. If you have tried "Honey Rose" and like the glow that that product gives, you will absolutely adore the Extra Dimension skinfinishes. I like this formula better than the Mineralize Skinfinishes because they have better pigmentation, texture, and wear much longer. MAC claims that these last up to 10 hours on the face. These lasted a full work day, so I can attest to their long wear claim. Did I mention that these do not accentuate pores whatsoever unlike the Mineralized Skinfinishes which are terrible for accentuating pores. I haven't been this excited about a product in a very long time. There are few products that I say "Run out to get", but I fully back this product and highly suggest picking up one of these products, especially "Superb".

The Extra Dimension Skinfinishes are a limited edition product which I suggest you purchase ASAP as I can see these selling out fast. Also, I've been reading that this is similar, if not identical, to Estee Lauders Powder Gelee Formula. I don't own one of the Estee Lauder powders myself, so I can not give a comparison. I heard these products sold out pretty fast, had less product and were more expensive, so definitely check out the MAC Extra Dimension Skinfinishes if you missed out on the Estee Lauder Powder Gelees. 

Have you tried the new Extra Dimension formula? 

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