Home Decor: Christmas Tree

Hey Guys!
As you know I love makeup, clothes, and pretty much anything that lets me be creative. It is probably no surprise that I also LOVE decorating my home and coming up with new ways I can revamp a room. Charles and I have been in the process of working on DIY home renovations for the past year and a bit and thought that I would start sharing some of the ways in which we have changed our living space. Currently I am working on one of our spare bedrooms and making it into a "White Room" themed after our honeymoon in Santorini, Greece. This will be a future post as I still need to save my money for furnishing it, but thought I would start off simple with how I decorate our home for the holidays. Specifically, here is our Christmas Tree! We plan on buying a new tree next year, as this one is falling apart BADLY. There are several branches that have busted off in the process of storing this and each year it seems to get worse and worse. This was actually my parents old tree before they bought a better one, so I really can't complain. I do love real trees, but with my luck, I would end up killing it, or worse, the dogs would drink the water. I am going to wait until artificial trees come on sale this year so that next year I don't have to deal with the dilapidated branches.

This year I purchased new ornaments, ribbon, pearl garland, a tree topper, and a tree skirt and really love how it turned out. This is definitely my ideal tree, minus the tree itself LOL.

Martha Stewart - 101 Ornaments from Home Depot 
Angel Tree Topper from Canadian Tire

Gold tree skirt from Winners


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