Maybelline Great Lash Lots of Lashes Mascara Review

Hey Guys!
One of my best friends swears by this mascara. After hearing her rant and rave about this product for quite some time, I decided to pick myself up a tube on a recent trip to Walmart. For under $4 per mascara, this is one of the cheapest mascaras you can buy at the drugstore! A very long time ago, I tried the original Great Lash and remember liking it, but I must have not loved it because I never purchased another tube. I can definitely see why this is my BFF's HG mascara, and here's why:

I look for the POSITIVE requirements of a mascara:

1. Volume
2. Length
3. Separation

Next, I look for the NEGATIVE attributes of a mascara:

1. Does it clump?
2. Does it flake?
3. Does it smear?
4. Does it hold curl?

In short, this mascara meets 5/6 of my requirements. Does it give volume? Yes. Does it give ENOUGH volume? No. I would say this is my new "everyday" mascara as it gives a very clean, separated look to my lashes. I have seen my lashes MUCH fuller (i.e., Maybelline Falsies), but that mascara doesn't give me as good of separation as this one does and it tends to look clumpy. For night time, I need a mascara that gives me great volume, therefore I don't see myself reaching for this for a night out, unless I plan on wearing falsies (which I normally do anyways).

Why You'll Love It 
"Introducing a Great Lash innovation - Great Lash Lots of Lashes. American's favourite mascara now gives the look of more lashes than ever, thanks to the exclusive Great Little Grabber Brush. In just one swipe, the Grabber Brush easily reaches all lashes - even in the corners - for a multiplied lash look without the clumps. The result? Great lashes with lots of impact and not a lot of work."
For Best Results 
"Sweep brush from root to tip of lashes. Continue building volume until the desired lash look is achieved. Do not let dry between coats. Removes easily with soap and water."

One thing that really stood out about this mascara was  how long my lashes looked when using this product, even without a primer. As always, with a lash primer, I liked the results even more. I can't stress to you enough how much a good primer makes a difference in your lashes. I use Dior Show Lash Maximizer everyday, and since I started, my lashes are longer, more numerous, and overall in a better condition than how they were before using this product. I have a full review on Dior Show Lash Maximizer you can view here. Back to the mascara, it also has a great ability to separate each individual lash, and this can be attributed to the unique design of the brush. The find the plastic spoolie brushes are always best for separation, and since this brush is tapered, the point is good for reaching all the inner corner lashes as well as coating your bottom lashes. Typically I avoid putting mascara on my lower lashes because they are VERY long and look odd, but this brush lets me control how much of my lower lashes I want to be coated with mascara.

In terms of the negative attributes you look for in any new mascara, this has ZERO negatives. It holds curl well, and it doesn't clump, flake or smear. A word of caution, don't let the mascara dry between coats or else it WILL get clumpy and unmanageable. Also, a clean lash comb works nicely at combing through your lashes if you do apply one coat too many and it starts to look a bit clumpy, so keep one handy.

Without primer

With DIORSHOW Lash Maximizer

This mascara isn't one of those mascaras you can just grab and use on the run. This is a very fussy mascara and I say this because you MUST apply consecutive coats one after the other so that the formula does not try, and also, if you have long lashes like I do, the formula tends to get all over your lids if you aren't VERY careful. In short, you are going to need some time to apply this mascara so if you are in a rush, I would reach for something else.

I will be repurchasing this mascara because it is a great "day-time" mascara and for under $4 a tube, you can't beat the price and quality. A special thanks to my good friend Jasmine for recommending this to me!

Have you tried any of the Maybelline Great Lash mascaras? 
Which one is your favourite?

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