Week 15 Pregnancy Update

Hey Guys! 
Sorry I've been MIA. I haven't been working on my blog or YouTube Channel and when I do, I never finish what I planned to do because I get so distracted lately. I have plenty of new products and makeup looks I've been wanting to share with you guys, but to be honest, I've just been enjoying my pregnancy, working, and spending what little time I have left with family and friends. My friend Sarah is getting married this month so there has been constant wedding related events that I've been attending each weekend. Today I picked up my bridesmaid dress and I'm so happy it fits! I was really worried because my waist has grown 2 inches already! Next week is her bachelorette and the week after is the wedding! Im hoping after this crazy month I will have more time to make videos and write blog posts. Until then, I want to try updating weekly with pregnancy updates, belly shots...etc. I would like to try and document this pregnancy the best I can, but if I can't, I always snap photos for Instagram! My name is MakeupByCherylH if you aren't following me on Instagram yet. Hope you are in good health and having a fantastic summer! The weather is so bipolar here in Canada, but I think we will start getting consistent warm weather soon! Yay!

How far along? 15 weeks (yesterday)
Total weight gain: 4 lbs
Maternity clothes? None! I did buy some belly bands because my pants are getting pretty tight. When I sit down I always end up unbuttoning them or else it can be really uncomfortable. 
Stretch marks? None...yet. I have been using Mama Mio Tummy Rub Oil since Week 5 before bed each night. After I shower I always apply a moisturizer. In the next couple weeks I will up my moisturizing to morning and night because my belly, theoretically, should start to grow faster. I can definitely tell a difference from prepregnancy to now, but most people can't. My co-workers still don't believe I'm pregnant yet and I'm almost 4 months. 
Sleep: My dreams are insane. Seriously. I have been having such vivid crazy dreams since I've been pregnant. Every night is something different, but about once a week I wake Charles up because I'm crying about something happening in my dreams (i.e., spiders, my dogs...etc.) He always talks back to me and calms me down and apparently I go right back to sleep. I always enjoy his recounts of what I said/did. I'm definitely entertaining him.
Best moment this week: I think I'm starting to feel small movements/"quickening". First time moms usually don't start to feel anything this soon, but I swear I even felt something at week 13. I can't tell during the day when I'm at work and moving around, but when I finally get to sit down and relax, I do notice something... And it's not gas! Lol
Miss anything? Alcohol (wine and beer) and Sushi. I managed to cure my Sushi fix by having avocado and cucumber rolls. Yum!
Movement: Here and there. Mostly at night when I'm relaxed and resting. 
Food cravings: Nothing. I'm waiting for these so called "pregnancy cravings" to kick in. I could care less about food, but I could down litres of water with how thirsty I am all the time. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of Palmers Cocoa Butter. Just the thought of it is making me nauseous right now. I bought it as a cheap alternative to my Mama Mio, but I CAN'T STAND the smell. Typically, I would assume that would be a smell I would like, but it's the only thing that makes me feel sick instantly. Also, the thought of meat sandwiches makes me want to hurl. Lunch meat is off limits anyways, but I'm defiantly not missing out. 
Gender: At first, Charles and I both thought we are having a boy, but we don't want to find out. At my first ultrasound, seeing my little one on the screen I thought girl insantly... Now I don't know!
Labor signs: None.
Symptoms: Thirsty. Crazy dreams. My symptoms died down around week 11 and up until then it wasn't even that bad. U was just reallyyyyy tired. Pregnancy has been a breeze thus far! *knocks on wood* I have had the occasional heartburn though, but it hasn't bothered me in a couple weeks. 
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! 
Looking forward to: Feeling stronger movements in the next few weeks!!!

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